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Laptop Lending Program

The Laptop Lending Program aims to support students who are facing financial challenges and need temporary access to a laptop. This program allows students to get access to a quarter-long laptop.

The application is now available through the UC San Diego Service & Support portal:

  1. Login with your student account
  1. Click Get Help
  1. Click the Laptop Lending Program link.

*Please note: Due to high demand, it is a first-come, first serve basis*

UC San Diego Student Testimonial

Having access to the laptop lending program has help to keep engage with my school work and job and alleviate the worries about having to buy another laptop, especially once the quarter started since responsibilities don't stop even if your laptop breaks down, so to have access to the lending program help me to alleviate that worry of having to find money to get a computer asap or try to do everything in such little time by using the computer labs, now I can do my work on places and times I feel the most productive

- Laptop Lending Program User


If you have questions, please reach out to
