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What is FRN?

Food Recovery Network (FRN) is a national non-profit with a mission to reduce food waste and combat food insecurity through the recovery and distribution of edible food waste.

UC San Diego's chapter started in 2016 as a student-run organization and works on and off-campus to recover food waste from dining halls, Farmer's Markets, and grocery stores to feed UCSD students facing food insecurity.

Honey Van

Winter Quarter Distribution

Hub Student Center A

Monday: 3:30pm-5:30pm

*starting January 13th, 2025

One Miramar Street

Not Available This Quarter


1. How are we different from Triton Food Pantry?

Which service operates on a point base system?

  • Triton Food Pantry! Each student is allocated 15 points that they can use each week that is reset every Monday. Check out the Triton Food Pantry for more information!

Which service diverts food waste and connects it to students in need?

  • Food Recovery Network! The purpose of Food Recovery Network is to reduce food waste and combat food insecurity through the recovery and distribution of edible food waste.

Which of these services are located in Graduate Housing (OMS)?

  • Both! The Triton Food Pantry and Food Recovery Network located there! Check out their hours of operation to see when.

2. Who do we partner with?

We partner with the following programs:

  • ProduceGood (non-profit)
  • Feeding San Diego - Retail Rescue Program 
  • San Diego Food Bank - Fresh Rescue Program

3. Where do we recover from?

We recover from the following locations!

  • UCSD Target
  • 99 Ranch
  • HDH Dining Halls and Markets
  • Sunshine Market
  • Hillcrest Farmers Market
  • Green Light Cafe
  • UCSD Farmers Market
  • Sprouts
  • Art of Espresso
  • Batch and Box

4. How to use FRN?

Students should be on the lookout for when we are distributing at either Student Center A or Graduate Housing at One Miramar street (OMS)! Students are highly encouraged to bring their own grocery bag(s) to each distribution. All items offered during a distribution are FREE but some items may have limits. Students are able to attend multiple distributions as long as you are enrolled as a UCSD student. At the distribution, a Food Recovery Network staff will ask you for your PID upon entering the space. Enjoy!

UC San Diego Student Testimonies

“Let me save up money for groceries to pay rent and other expenses as an international student. Keeps me away from situations where there's no food available at all”

- Food Recovery Network User


“It has helped me understand the expiration dates and help me in financial difficulties as I could easily access quality food when it was difficult for me to go buy stuff”

- Food Recovery Network User


On a student budget, I feel compelled to only buy the bare necessities on grocery runs. FRN has given me access to snacks that break up the monotony and give me something to look forward to. Moreover, by arriving at the end of the open hours I can avoid feelings of guilt over taking food that would have otherwise gone to those less fortunate than me and even feel somewhat good about contributing a small part to reducing food waste”

- Food Recovery Network User

  • To learn more about UC San Diego's FRN Chapter or how to volunteer, connect with us!
  • Email:
  • Instagram: @ucsdfrn

In 2022-2023, we recovered:

55,233 LBS = 46,027.50 meals

[source: Feeding America 2018]

  • In 2021-2022 we recovered:

    42,844 lbs = 35,703 meals

    • 4,164 lbs for Urban Street Angels
    • 20,000 lbs for OMS
    • 13,315 lbs for The Hub
    • 12,151 lbs for Triton Food Pantry
  • In 2020-2021 we recovered:

    22,780 lbs = 18,345 meals

    • 3,024 lbs for Urban Street Angels
    • 189 lbs to La Jolla Family House
    • 16,731 lbs for OMS
    • 2,070 lbs for The Hub
  • In 2019-2020 we recovered:

    17,034 lbs = 14,559 meals

    • 2,394 lbs for Urban Street Angels
    • 3,004 lbs for OMS
    • 5,601 lbs for The Hub
    • 6,034 lbs for Triton Food Pantry

Sustainability Student Organization of the Year Award


The UC San Diego Sustainability Awards recognizes individuals and groups that have made the campus more sustainable—from managing campus gardens to supporting food recovery for students who need it most. UC San Diego's FRN Chapter won the 2018-2019 Student Group Award. They recovered 16,387 pounds of food for the academic year.