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What is Triton Food Pantry (TFP)?

The Triton Food Pantry (TFP) aims to provide free food access to UCSD students by providing culturally reflective food ingredients. The Triton Food Pantry is for all registered UC San Diego Students, regardless of their status (i.e: International and Undocumented students)!

The Triton Food Pantry is a student ran and student centered service of the Basic Needs Center with a partnership with Associated Students (A.S).The Triton Food Pantry works to build a network of food resources and spread awareness about food insecurity, so that every UC San Diego student has nutritious fuel to achieve academic success. Triton Food Pantry is partially funded through student fees, so it is your basic human right to utilize this service!

UCSD students are allocated a total of 15 points weekly where you have access to nutritious food, produce, and more! We have two locations! The first one is located at Student Center A, across from Art of Espresso, & the second one is at graduate housing located at 3605 Miramar St.

Having access to food is our basic human right! We hope to see you at the Triton Food Pantry!

**Please note: The Triton Food Pantry is a supplemental service. For more long term food security support, please click here for more resources or meet 1:1 with one of our full-time staff members through the basic needs assistance form**



Student Center A

Triton Food Pantry will resume operations Week 2 of Spring Quarter!

One Miramar Street

Triton Food Pantry will resume operations Week 2 of Spring Quarter!

Triton Food Pantry Services:



How does the point system work?

Each student receives 15 points to shop at the pantry during one visit. These points reset each Monday, regardless of the point in the week a student utilized the service.

Where is the pantry located?

The Triton Food Pantry maintains two locations. One is located on the main campus at Student Center A (SCA), right across from Shores Diner and the General Store Cooperative. The second location is located at One Miramar Street (OMS) in UCSD graduate housing. Note that both of these pantries can be used by graduates and undergraduates alike.

How many locations does the pantry have?

The Triton Food Pantry maintains two locations. One is located on the main campus at Student Center A (SCA), right across from Shores Diner and the General Store Cooperative. The second location is located at One Miramar Street (OMS) in UCSD graduate housing. Note that both of these pantries can be used by graduates and undergraduates alike.

Is there somewhere I can store my items when I go to class?

Our Student Center A (SCA) location offers lockers for student use after shopping at the pantry. To reserve a locker, simply speak to the staff on duty. Items must be removed from lockers by the end of the day of reservation.

When is the best time to use the pantry?

There is no “best time” to use the pantry. Given that the pantry is intended to be a supplemental resource, our deliveries and stock tend to be variable. However, we do our best to ensure that stock is kept consistent throughout the week.

UC San Diego Student Testimonials

“Having access to food resources like the food pantry has been extremely beneficial. It is comforting to know part of my community is dedicated to ensuring I have access to free produce and can cook healthy meals. It has also helped me expand my palate and learn to cook with new things!”

Triton Food Pantry User


“I've been using the food pantry for years and it has been very helpful for making quick meals - chopping up a couple of veggies and boiling pasta to make a meal that lasts 2-3 days. If I go all four weeks of the month it means 10-12 days of food in 28 days! I'm really glad there's fresh produce since other food distribution programs tend to have much more grains and canned goods. I understand why, but TFP has really made a difference in my day to day life, and I hope it continues and gets more funding!”

- Triton Food Pantry User

“It helped me not have to worry as much about having to go get food off campus. As someone with ADHD and anxiety, it can be hard for me to do basic tasks such as go grocery shopping. It was nice to be able to just walk down to TFP instead of going through the hassle of driving. As a single parent, I find the cost of living in La Jolla very high. After paying rent at the Graduate Housing, very little remains from the stipend. The Triton Food Pantry makes living here a little more affordable.”

- Triton Food Pantry User


Our Locations