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Yes Food Program

Food Security for Undocumented Students 

What is the Yes Food Program?

The Yes Food Program was created by Undocumented Student Services with the support of the Basic Need Hub to offer undergraduate and graduate students e-gift cards to popular grocery stores, food delivery services, and restaurants. Program support ranges from $50-200 monthly and it is sent directly to the student. Neither eligibility for financial aid nor financial aid awards are affected by this program. 


This program serves as an alternative to CalFresh for undocumented students who are ineligible to apply for the CalFresh program.


Completing this application allows our team to assess students’ food security level and provide support accordingly. Upon review of the application, students receive an email stating the award amount they will receive along with a list of gift card vendors to choose from.

Interested In Applying?

The Yes Food Program is operated through the Undocumented Student Services Center. Click the button below to review eligibility and more information on how to apply!

Apply Here

UC San Diego Student Testimonies

This program has been really helpful since I am not eligible CalFresh/ EBT and I am still able to go grocery shopping without limiting the foods I get because I worry I can't afford certain foods. It has also been helpful since I no longer have to ask my parents to send me money for groceries as they have my siblings to take care of back home

- Undergraduate,Class of Spring 2025


The Yes Food Program has been extremely helpful in providing nutritious meals for me throughout the months. I no longer need to count meals and can buy fresh produce and ingredients when I go to the grocery store

- Graduate, Class of Spring 2026


I have been blessed to be receiving help from this program for months now. Throughout this months I have felt more calm and have been able to focus in school more since I don't feel worries on having to ask my mom for financial support for food. My mom has been recently getting more sick due to her diabetes and that has formed more issues in her health so she has not been working as much, having this support of Yes food program has also helped her to not be stressed since she knows her daughter is getting helped. I have
been looking for jobs but due to not having a work permit it has been difficult, this is why I'm seeking help again

- Undergraduate, Class of Spring 2026


Contact Program Manager, Dayan Castañeda Muñoz,
