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About the Personal Hygiene Program

5,800+ students were connected to free Personal Hygiene products since Fall quarter 2018!!

The Personal Hygiene Program is aimed for students who are facing housing, food, or financial insecurity. Yet, ALL students can access this program! This program is aimed to assist with student budgets!

Did we mention, it’s FREE?!

The Personal Hygiene program was launched in commemoration of Stephanie, Marshall Senior Academic Counselor! After learning of the needs of several shelters, Stephanie started the Supporting Others Creates Kindred Spirits, or S.O.C.K.S. project, where she collected over 1,300 socks in 2017. Folks donated to PHP to help kick start a personal hygiene program for Basic Needs Stephanie was generous in thought, deed, and spirit – serving as a support to others even when she herself faced difficult challenges. Her 2018 goal is being met via the creation of Steph’s Closet, a community closet within UC San Diego’s Basic Needs Hub.

Maria Triplett, Peer Educator at the Basic Needs HUB & Black Resources Center (BRC) Peer Guidance Lead, with their leadership led to having accessible hair texture products offered through this program due to how inaccessible hair products can be.

Cieara Simmons was an Undergrad traversing the COVID-19 Pandemic with Basic Needs as an essential service helped evolve the persona hygiene program to the form and digital appointment system we know today!

Aliyah Annis was the Lead Basic Needs Assistant from 2020-2023 during her time as an Undergraduate student! Aside from focusing on evolving the program inventory, she played a huge role in data collection which resulted in campus wide advocacy for the personal hygiene program and basic needs across campus!

Personal hygiene has always remained community and student centered. We thank all the student leaders who have supported and evolved this program!

You can make an appointment once a week. Schedule your appointment below!

Personal Hygiene Progran Refill Station

Turnip Gonzalez

What is the Refill Station?

The Basic Needs Center and The Student Sustainability Collective are collaborating to offer registered UC San Diego students by hosting a refill station.

The intention of this program is to provide free availability of hygiene products without the need for an appointment.

Click below to see how the program works!

Click Here!

Personal Hygiene Product Pick-Up Form