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Application Process

Ways to Apply

  • Independently at
    • Apply via mobile device, laptop, or tablet
    • It’s highly suggested to watch CalFresh Step by Step YouTube Video and have your documents ready
  • Application Assistance Option
    • CalFresh Walk-Ins are available at the Hub Basic Needs Center
    • CalFresh Virtual Appointments are available via Zoom
      • Complete CalFresh Assistance Form and you’ll receive an email that includes links to set up an appointment via Calendly link

CalFresh Documents

This list contains various documents needed by CalFresh Applicants. Some of these are necessary for ALL applicants while others are only necessary for some. If you would like us to look into your case please fill out an ROI and fill out our CalFresh Assistance Form on our website. You’ll receive the calfresh email form the assistance form email and then please email us your case inquiry and ROI.

Case Inquiry (County of San Diego):

For students that have already submitted an application for CalFresh and have questions about the status of their application or would like to inquire about the reason for application denial. Appointments can be scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12 pm-2 pm. Appointments can be scheduled on CalFresh Appointment Link


Uploading or Updating Documents

  • Students can upload documents through their application or existing case on Upload them from computer or from smartphone.
    • Examples of documents you can send:
      • SAR7
      • Recertification/Renewal
      • Housing Contract and more!

Identification Documents

  • Photo ID
    • This can be a State ID, Student ID, US Passport, etc. as long as it includes your legal name and a photo.
  • Proof of Immigration Status: (optional)
    • This can be a US Passport or Birth Certificate
    • For eligible immigrants who choose to apply, submit any immigration cards, papers, or notices that prove your status
      • SAR 22: non-citizen eligible immigrants may have to submit this form with their sponsor’s information
      • 09-99 form: if you wish to declare yourself an indigent non-sponsored applicant, this form is the USCIS indigence exception form
    • If the county requests you fill out the SAR22 or the 09-99, you can pick which form works best for your situation. We highly recommend you speak with your sponsor before submitting either form as it may affect their sponsor status.

Income-Related Documents

  • Proof of Income (only if you have an income): 
    • Salaried Income: Upload pay stubs from the last 30 days. Pay stubs must include your name, amount of hours worked, and amount you made.
  • Proof of Unearned Income:
    •  You will need to include proof for State Disability Income (SDI), worker’s compensation, pensions, child support, or monetary gifts. The county can usually verify other government benefits without proof. 
  • Contribution Agreement:
    • If the student is receiving money to help their expenses, they need  to show documentation. It will ask for the contributor and the recipient’s name and email via docusign link. 
  • Statement of Freelance, Independent Contract, or Self-Employment Work
    • If you earned income from freelance independent contractors, or self-employment work in the last 30 days, you will need to fill out the ‘Statement of Freelance, Independent Contract, or Self-Employment Work’ document.
      • Examples of this work include driving for Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, running your own business, having an online store, working as a barber, dog walker, or other independent service provider, or if you received a 1099-MISC form from the IRS at the end of the year.
  • Employment Verification
    • You only need to submit this verification if the county specifically asks for employment verification. You will most likely receive this documentation from the worker. You will send this PDF to your workplace and ask  them to fill out the following. After they have filled it out, you can upload it to LaterDocs.

Housing-Related Documents

  • Undergraduate On-Campus Housing:
    • If you live on-campus, you only need access to your housing contract. To get a copy of your housing contract fill out this Tenancy Verification form and send it to with your PID in the email. Afterwards, you will receive an email from HDH with your housing contract in it—that is the document which you will submit in the CalFresh Application. Your housing contract will include your dining dollars information as well.
  • Off-Campus Housing:
    • If you live off-campus, you can submit your lease agreement. The county will only need pages that include your address, you and your landlord’s signature, and your rent.
  • Sublease Housing:
    • If you are currently subleasing and need to show proof of how you pay rent, you (the sublessor) and the person subletting their space to you (the sublease) will need to fill out this sublease document. It will ask the name of both parties and their emails.
  • Shelter Verification:
    • This document needs to be filled out if you are living temporarily in a shelter. If that is the case, it can be submitted as proof of housing on the CalFresh Application.
    • Temporary Housing/No Housing Address
Please contact our CalFresh team so we may assist you. Fill out the CalFresh Assistance Form and you’ll be sent the CalFresh email to inquiry about your case.

Student Identification Documents

  • Financial Aid Award Letter: 
    1. Access TritonLink Tools 
    2. Click on the Financial Aid tool under 'Financial Tools' 
    3. Select the current school year 
    4. Click on ‘View and/or Print your Financial Aid Award Letter’
    5. Click on the 'Printer Friendly Version' button
    6. Save your Award Letter
      • Note: If you don't receive financial aid, you must obtain a letter from the financial aid office that states you don't receive financial aid. If you’re a graduate student, please reach out to your graduate department for the letter.
  • Class Schedule: (Required)
    1. Access your class schedule for the current quarter on Webreg
    2. Click on ‘Print Schedule’
    3. Save as PDF
      • Note: Do you receive a unique schedule that’s not on webreg? Please reach out to our CalFresh team so we may assist you. 
  • Enrollment Verification
    • Optional: Fill out if county request the paperwork
    • To provide the county with Enrollment Verification
      1. First,  go to mytritonlink, then you can go to the Order Verification tool on Tritonlink tools under 'Grades and Transcript Tools.'  If this is your first time using this, you will be prompted to enter your personal information. Make sure to complete this, then move forward to the next step. 
      2. Second, click "Send to Yourself, Another Individual, or Third Party" (blue bar below the search bar), and select 'Enrollment Verification - Electronic.' 
      3. Third, fill out the Order Options and upload a picture or PDF of the School/Educational Institution Attendance Verification Form at the bottom for the school to fill out. Once you receive the filled out form, you can upload it to your application at LaterDocs.
  • Student Eligibility Verification:
    • Please show proof of what student eligibility exemption you are using 
    • Examples:
      • CalGrant A/B must show proof of a California Student Aid Commission Letter (CSAC) (an example):
        • a CSAC letter is a letter sent by the California Student Aid Commission that confirms you received CalGrant A or B for the upcoming school year
        •  Only students who meet the income requirement of annual parent and student income of no more than $50k will receive the CSAC letter with TANF (Temporary Assistance For Needy Family) language
      • UC San Diego Local Programs that Increase Employability (UCSD LPIE)
      • Work Study Verification 
        • If using Eligible for Work Study please provide an Eligible for Work Study Letter (sent to your UCSD Email with Subject line: Apply for CalFresh) or CSF Form (Financial Aid / Work Study Verification Report). You will then submit the completed CSF Form to the CalFresh Application.
        • Example Eligible for Work Study Letter
      • Financial Aid Award Letter $0 of Less Total Expected Family Contribution: (if applicable)
        • Submit your Financial Aid Award Letter again 
          • In your Financial Aid Award Letter look under Less Total Expected Family Contribution to see if it says $0
          • Example in Financial Aid Award Letter:


  • Release of Information (ROI)
    • This document allows your case information to be viewed by the UCSD CalFresh team and San Diego County. The ROI is linked through DocuSign, so you only need to follow the link to fill out the necessary categories. You will submit this at the end of the CalFresh application when it asks for “any additional documents.” Submitting this document is the best way for us and you to receive updates on your case. Once you fill this out, it will automatically be sent to our email*
      • Note: An ROI is not required, but it is highly recommended.
  • Sworn Statement: 
    • While there is no specific form created by the County, we do have our own template that we highly recomend filling out.

Maintaining Benefit Documents

Helpful Documents

  • FAQ on Basic Application Documents
    • This link will send you to an outline of the most basic documents that are required for applicants such as Photo ID, Financial Aid, etc.
    • FAQ on Basic Application Document
  • CF Application Handout:
  • UCSD Student CF Eligibility Handout: 

After You Submit a CalFresh Application

Wondering about what to do after your initial application? There a few things to look out for:

  • Check your physical mail/ Phone Call Interview
    • Phone Call Interview
      • Interviews are currently being waived for most people due to COVID-19 regulations
      • The eligibility interview will take about 30 minutes. The county call will be from a blocked number, please make sure to answer. A worker will ask you about your household, income, expenses, and other eligibility requirements.
    • Missed your interview?
      • No worries call the  San Diego county office to reschedule your interview: Interview rescheduling: 833-246-6948 
      • Contact a CalFresh Assistant to inquire about your case (after 5-10 days of initial application)
    • Physical Mail
      • Check your physical mail for any updates, status or EBT card
        • San Diego County will provide you with a list of documents to submit within 30 days from the date that you submitted your application to verify your eligibility.
  • Updating Documents
    • Upload documents that may be needed post application via your MyBenefitsCalWin account or at 
      • Submit follow up documents at your earliest convenience and make note when you submit them.
  • Optional
  • Text Notification
    • The application site will occasionally follow up with you by text message or email to help you through the rest of the 30-day process. The team are not the San Diego County workers; they provide friendly reminders as a courtesy.
      • Examples:
        • Missing Documents
        • Received Documents
        • Submit your SAR7
        • Submit your Recertification/Renewal