Food Security
- Triton Food Pantry
- CalFresh
- Affordable Grocery Store Map
- Grocery Shuttle
- Food Recovery Network
- Food Notification App
The UC San Diego App has a new feature that allows departments to send notifications to students when they have leftover food from events. The UC San Diego App can be downloaded on the [Apple] App Store and Google Play Store by anyone with a smartphone.
Any registered undergraduate, graduate, or professional student can receive these notifications.
To sign up for notifications, simply log in to the UC San Diego app, go to "Settings," tap “Notifications,” and turn the free food notification on!
If your department would like to be involved with this initiative, please sign up for one of our trainings to get informed on how to send notifications by emailing
This course will train you on how to properly use this feature and send out the notification. All users of this feature are required to do this training first. You will be given a review of how the feature works, how students receive the notification, and all the requirements before sending out the notification.
We recommend only having 1 or 2 reps from each department be trained.
To access the course, please sign up on UC Learning Center, and keyword search: "Free Food Notification Training," or by clicking the date below once you’re logged on to UC Learning.
Upcoming Trainings: TBD
A minimum of 5 attendees are needed for each training to be offered.